There are many drugs of all types that have hair loss listed as a known side effect. However, without knowing the exact diet pill you are taking, it would be very difficult to determine if it actually does balding. If you are taking a weight loss pill and have recently started to notice hair loss, …
Author Archives: Dr. Mike
Mayonnaise Myth or magic?
Many women swear by using mayonnaise, olive oil, or other common food products to help keep their hair healthy. With so many proposed solutions and a lack of clinical research, it’s hard to say that these things really work. While it might work for some people, preventing hair loss is really about good health …
Dehydration and hair loss?
Staying hydrated is important health of your entire body. The recommended 8 to 10 glasses a day helps ensure that your skin and everything underneath it is well hydrated and functioning correctly. Your hair and scalp require water to thrive, just like any other parts of your body. If you are not drinking the recommended …
Water and hair loss?
Although there is no study linking hard water to hair loss, many of the minerals that are found in hard water can impact the health and condition of your hair. If you have hard water in your area, you may notice that the extra minerals in the water may cause your scalp and hair to …
Dandruff causing my hair loss?
Sometimes people wonder if their hair loss is a result of their dandruff. This is a very common myth, and can be a bit tricky to answer for a few reasons. In general, dandruff is not a direct cause of hair loss. However, the scratching associated with dandruff can in fact damage the cuticular scale …