Straightening your hair does not directly lead to hair loss, however the heat from such processes can cause damage and weaken the hair. With frequent use, heat from these products can dry out hair and cause breakage. A cuticle layer covers each hair on your head, protecting two inner layers. The cuticles of healthy hairs …
Category Archives: Latest News
Eating disorders and your hair
More than half the population in the developed world struggles with excess weight, but another, smaller segment is afflicted with eating disorders of a different kind, anorexia nervosa and bulimia. These diseases are characterized by severe and often dangerous weight loss: anorexia by simple undernourishment, bulimia by alternating bouts of compulsive overeating and purging (through …
Blondes, do they have more fun or just more hair?
The color of your hair does not determine if you will experience hair loss or not. Blondes characteristically have more hairs per head than do red heads but these hairs are generally finer in texture. Blondes and brunettes both have the same chance of balding. It all comes down to genetics. Blondes who got their …
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Zinc, does it help?
Zinc actually does play an important role in the health of one’s hair. The average adult body contains anywhere from two to three grams of Zinc. 63% of the body’s Zinc resides in the bone and muscle, while another 20% is in your skin tissue. When zinc levels are low, testosterone levels may also drop. …
Biotin the Myth
There are a number of herbal supplements available that claim to work as a hair loss treatment. Biotin has not had any clinical studies on human beings showing that it combats hair loss or regrows hair. Biotin is a nutritional supplement that has been around for years and is taken orally. There is some preliminary evidence …