NY Fashion Week

hair protection tips

Volumized, beehived, poker straight, slicked back, braided or tousled and curly, the basic foundations for maintaining healthy hair are still the same. In light of Fashion Week, here are our expert’s top hair protection tips for keeping hair healthy and beautiful throughout the upcoming hairstyle trends. Continue reading “NY Fashion Week”

Another miracle cure fo alopecia?

Another miracle cure for alopecia areata has been found – or so the Mail Online would have us believe.

The nation’s go-to gossip site has reported on the latest so called ‘miracle’ treatment – a steroid more frequently used to treat chest infections. The Mail’s ‘revelation’ comes after Sarah Ford, a woman who started losing her hair to the condition aged 15, noticed her hair returning within weeks of taking a course of steroid medication. Continue reading “Another miracle cure fo alopecia?”

Dieting Can Cause loss of hair

Going on a crash diet that consists solely of baby food, cabbage soup, elaborate juice concoctions or a meagre amount of calories a day might enable you to lose a few kilos quickly. But you may also find 2-6weeks later that you are also losing your hair.


Extreme diets that cut out essential food groups or unhealthily restrict your caloric intake are bad for your body -you are depriving yourself of essential vitamins, minerals, proteins and energy. And this is very bad news for your hair.  Your hair is the second fastest growing cell in your body and is extremely sensitive to change and imbalance. Any nutritional deficiencies in your diet will usually show up first in your hair. i.e. by causing your hair to fall out more than it should. Your hair is not a vital tissue, like bone marrow, nor is it a vital organ, like your heart, liver or kidneys. What little nutrition you are getting through a restrictive diet will go to those parts of you first. Even though your hair is very important to you psychologically, your body is much more concerned with keeping its internal organs healthy. If your body is feeling deprived and hungry on a crash diet or restrictive diet, you can only imagine how your hair follicles are feeling! This starvation of the follicles causes your hair go into the telogen (resting/falling) phase prematurely, and many hairs at the same time. You can experience mass hair loss depending on how bad your diet was and for how long the diet went on for. This is called telogen effluvium.

Your hair is made primarily of protein – keratin – and so sufficient protein is essential for strong, healthy hair and hair growth. Many fad diets, likes those consisting solely of fruit, vegetables and/or juice mixtures (and yes – even those that contain protein powder) do not provide the body with enough protein. You need a MINUMUM of 120g of protein (meat, fish, eggs, chicken or 180g low fat cottage cheese) at breakfast and a further 120g with lunch in order for your hair to grow at its optimum. Dinner is the least important meal of the day for your hair so you can indulge in whatever you like. However, this does not mean you can go on a diet consisting only of lean proteins. You also need vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables and energy provided by complex carbohyrdates.

Red meat at least once a week is also important, regardless of whether you are taking a supplement. It provides you with iron and also ferritin (stored iron), a mineral which is essential to hair growth and hair health. This is especially important if you are a menstruating woman. While supplements can be extremely helpful, especially if you have absorbtion problems, they need to be incorporated into a healthy diet. They are not a substitute for the foods actually containing them. A supplement such as the Philip Kingsley PK4HAIR, which is fortified with amino acids and enhances the production of keratin, is a perfect way to boost healthy hair growth and health in combination with a nutritious diet.

In short, if you want to have healthy and beautiful hair, or hair that is in its best condition possible, you need to stick to a healthy, nutritious, well-balanced eating plan!

Always discuss with your doctor before embarking on a change in diet.

Hair is protein

Proteins are used to build tissue cells, including the cells of your hair, skin and nails. 80-85% of your hair is composed of a protein called keratin. Dietary proteins are your hairs’ building blocks – they make your hair strong and help keep it in its growing (anagen) phase. Continue reading “Hair is protein”

Ramadan Kareem; Have an egg!

Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse and are exceedingly good for your hair due to their high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals!

The ‘Perfect’ Protein

It could be said that eggs are the ‘perfect protein’ for you hair. The amino acids (protein) found in eggs whites are in fact the most complete and easily absorbed form of protein for your body! Dietary protein is essential to hair growth and health as hair is made primarily of keratin – a special hair protein that gives your strands their strength, flexibility and elasticity. Continue reading “Ramadan Kareem; Have an egg!”