Hair Philosophy

The DHD challenges the prevailing standard of ‘dry’, ‘normal’ and ‘oily’ hair. I believe you should assess your hair by its size and shape: whether your texture is fine, medium, coarse, or Black/Afro Caribbean and straight, wavy, curly or frizzy.







You then look at your hair’s length and level of processing and combine this information to choose a daily hair care regime that is best for you.

WHAT IS ‘NORMAL HAIR?’ Continue reading “Hair Philosophy”

Daily Must Do’s for Dubai Hair







There are a number of Daily Must Do’s in order to maximise your hair potential for being healthy and looking beautiful.


Drink approximately 1.5-2 litres of water a day depending on your activity level and climate. Your scalp, just like your skin, can become dehydrated.



Research has shown that drinking black tea can increase the likelihood of anaemia. If you don’t add milk (preferably skim or semi-skim) to your tea, the tannin is free to bind with iron in your body and can therefore reduce your iron stores.


Try not to eat too much salt. This can cause water retention, especially in your scalp.


The energy to form hair cells drops 4 hours after eating a meal.Snack on a complex carbohydrate, such as wholemeal bread, wholemeal crackers, fruit or vegetables, between meals to sustain energy levels to your follicles.


Your hair is composed primarily of protein, so including adequate amounts in your diet is vital to hair growth. We suggest having at least 120g of a lean animal protein with breakfast and lunch. If you are vegan/vegetarian, more than 120g of plant protein needs to be included with these meals.



Ferritin (stored iron) levels are extremely important in terms of hair growth. To help promote healthy iron levels, try to eat red meat at least twice a week, especially if you are menstruating.



Dairy products are a great source of Calcium. However, if you are prone to dandruff, excema or psoriasis, dairy can exacerbate or trigger the condition. Try drinking skimmed milk or substituting with soy or almond milk if necessary.


Always speak with you doctor before making changes to your diet.

The Most Environmentally Friendly Shower Filter Available!

The Most Environmentally Friendly Shower Filter Available!

 AED 400.00(free delivery with in Dubai)





Tested and Certified by the Water Quality Association according to NSF/ANSI 177 for the Reduction of Free Chlorine.

The New Century, a non-cartridge shower filter removes toxic chlorine from your shower with the best in style & technology. The result is better skin conditions, more manageable hair and reduction of itches and rashes. It is the most environmentally correct filter because it uses less plastic and lasts longer. It has been tested and certified by the Water Quality Association and meets NSF/ANSI Standard #177 for performance (30,000 gallons). It removes 90+% of chlorine in your water, and should last a family of four about 18 months, depending on the condition of your water.

  • Healthier, Younger Looking Skin
  • Softer, More Manageable Hair
  • Reduces Fading of Color-treated Hair
  • Relief From Dry Skin and Scalp
  • Improved Lathering and Foaming
  • Great for Those With Chlorine Sensitivity
  • 9.5 cu inch sediment prefilter extends the life of the KDF filter
  • 18 oz of KDF-55, Largest Shower Filter





Eco Friendly

  • Converts Chlorine into a harmless soluble chloride through a KDF filament.
  • Crystalline quartz for energy enhanced shower “feel” and better lathering.
  • Installs in minutes – no special tools or professional help required.
  • Highly effective even at high operating temperatures and flow rates.