Hair loss in women; Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):








Hair Loss or hair thinning is an issue many people encounter.  In both men and women, hair loss can be attributed to stress, improper diet, illness and prescription medications to name a few. However, here we will be dealing specifically with two causes of hair loss unique to women: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Oral Contraceptives or ‘The Pill’. Continue reading “Hair loss in women; Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):”

Pregnancy and hair loss



Pregnancy and how it affects hair is a topic of concern for many expectant mothers. A few years ago, DHD helped conduct a study entitled ‘The effect of pregnancy on scalp hair and facial skin’. Of the 375 women studied for 3 years, the most frequently asked question was ‘How will pregnancy affect my hair?’ While pregnancy can often be a terrific time for a your hair, it is not always the case. Continue reading “Pregnancy and hair loss”

Moroccan Oil


I have been asked many times my opinion about Moroccan Oil and I agree totally with this information from the brilliant Beauty Brains – – cosmetic scientists who really know what they are talking about.

Is Moroccan Oil Good For Hair and Skin?

Moroccan oil = Argan oil?

Moroccan oil is another name for Argan oil which is made from the kernels of argan tree fruit that grow almost exclusively in Morocco.  Argan oil for hair and skin but here’s what you need to know in a nut shell: the oil is a rich emollient that can moisturize hair and skin; it can potentially cause zits so be careful if you’re prone to breakouts; and it does NOT come from goat poop.  Continue reading “Moroccan Oil”