Sun and hair loss

Contrary to some popular rumors, the sun does not actually contribute to hair loss. However, it’s always a good idea to protect your hair and scalp against the sun’s harmful UV rays with a hat or scarf, or use UV hair protectant products such as a liquid sunblock. Long term exposure to UV rays may damage your hair, leaving it dry and brittle, and more prone to breakage as well as split ends. So, don’t forget to deep condition your hair on a regular basis. Continue reading “Sun and hair loss”

Snack Attack; Good for your hair?


Did you know that an afternoon snack can actually be good for your hair?

I am not talking about simple carbohydrates (think cakes and pastries) – which raise and drop your blood sugar levels quickly – but complex carbohydrates, such as whole meal bread, fruits and vegetables that release fuel more slowly and give sustained energy. Continue reading “Snack Attack; Good for your hair?”

The 10 Most Misleading Cosmetic Claims

Post image for The 10 Most Misleading Cosmetic Claims

I was reading some of my latest Twitter updates when I saw another claim about a beauty product being “chemical free.” Reading claims like this really bug me because nearly EVERYTHING is a chemical.

There is no such thing as a Chemical Free Sunscreen!!! Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide are CHEMICALS!!

Alright, enough of that. I’ll calm down. But it does remind me of all the other misleading cosmetic claims that I see from cosmetic marketers. Here is a list of 10 of the most misleading cosmetic claims that I could find.

Continue reading “The 10 Most Misleading Cosmetic Claims”

To Poo or not to Poo?

Having been in clinical practice for over 20 years I have seen many thousands of people with hair and scalp problems, and in the vast majority of cases the disorders, particularly those of the scalp, have greatly improved as soon as the scalp is either washed more regularly, or better, more appropriate, products are used on it.

Not washing the hair with shampoo has become something of a trend over the past few years but this really is a very bad idea.

Continue reading “To Poo or not to Poo?”

Have you ever wondered what’s in your shampoo?

Have you ever looked at the back of your shampoo/conditioner/styling product and wondered what all of those words on the ingredients list mean? And what they are actually doing to your hair and scalp? Here I de-mystify some of the most commonly used product ingredients.

Continue reading “Have you ever wondered what’s in your shampoo?”