Pubic Hair Loss!

Although most people are concerned about hair loss when it happens, many people don’t realize that pubic hair loss can also happen, whether or not hair loss happens on other parts of the body. Pubic hair loss can happen for several reasons, and many times it is a symptom of something serious. Anyone who finds that they are losing their pubic hair, even if they are not losing their hair anywhere else, should try to find out the reason.

Pubic hair loss can definitely coincide with hair loss on other parts of the body. When people are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, for instance, they will often lose most or all of their head and body hair. This is normal with chemotherapy, and most cancer patients are warned about this ahead of time. Since cancer patients are usually forewarned, there is no reason to look for any other reason for the hair loss. Many women lose more head and body hair, including pubic hair, during or after menopause, and this is also a normal occurrence. Losing most or all of your hair during or after menopause is not normal, however, and a doctor should definitely be consulted if this is happening. Many women also lose head and body hair after childbirth, which is also a normal occurrence. This usually gets better over time. Other causes of head and body hair loss can include iron deficiency anemia, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune deficiency diseases, and certain skin-irritating diseases, such as Eczema. With skin conditions, if the condition is concentrated around the pubic region, then only pubic hair loss will be noticed. Sometimes severe stress can cause loss of hair in the pubic region, although this most often coincides with losing hair on other parts of the body. Other things that can cause pubic hair loss include cirrhosis of the liver, Addisons Disease, hypopituitarism, and an underactive adrenal gland.

The main thing to remember if you notice that you are losing a large amount of hair in your pubic region is that this is a symptom of something else. Losing pubic hair doesn’t just happen for no reason – there is always an underlying cause. Even if you don’t find it necessarily alarming when you are losing large amounts of pubic hair, such as you would if you were losing the hair on your head, you still need to find out the cause. Whatever it is that is causing the hair loss, it can usually be treated easier if you catch it early. Your doctor may have to do several tests to find out the reason behind the loss of hair in your pubic reason, and will have to ask you several questions, but finding the underlying cause is important. If you and your trichologist decide that it is due to stress, then treating the stress with relaxation exercises, therapy, or possibly medication can help stop the hair loss. If it is due to a skin condition in the pubic region, your trichologist will probably be able to prescribe a topical medication that will ease or cure the condition.



As the hormone oestrogen declines at the menopause, testosterone (the ‘male’ hormone) can become more dominan.

You don’t have more testosterone, but the ratio of oestrogen to testosterone has changed, making women prone to symptoms of male pattern baldness or other male characteristics such as facial hair and acne.’

Indeed, it’s thought that about 25 per cent of middle-aged women regularly remove unwanted facial hair. The hair may grow on the upper lip or chin — areas that are sensitive to testosterone — or sometimes also on the cheeks, chest, stomach and back.

Treatment for the menopause in the form of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may also trigger excess hair. The aim of HRT is to correct the drop in oestrogen and progesterone.

‘There are two types of progestogens which can be included in HRT preparations.

The first group are analogues (meaning ‘similar to’) of progesterone (such as dydrogesterone and medroxyprogesterone) and the second are analogues of testosterone (such as norethisterone).

If your HRT contains progestogens that are similar to testosterone, this might explain excess hair growth and you need to speak to your GP about your choices.

Another form of HRT is tibolone. ‘This is a synthetic steroid compound which has androgenic properties, so one of its side-effects can be increased facial hair,’ says Marilyn Glenville.

Certain contraceptives, such as Yasmin, are also marketed as being hair-friendly, while the Mirena coil has been linked with excess facial hair.

Dubai diet and your hair!

The Standard Dubai Diet can play a role in hair loss. Previous studies have shown that the typical Dubai diet is high fat, high animal protein, high-salt, and low in vitamins. Sticking to this diet can seriously damage your kidneys and create acidic blood, therefore leading to hair loss. Vitamin deficiency is another cause of hair loss too.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s more likely a cause unrelated to your diet. The most common causes of hair loss are male pattern baldness, medications, stress, damaged hair, and pregnancy. DHD recommends you visit your Trichologist as soon as possible to correctly diagnose your condition.

If you’re looking for a permanent solution to your hair loss, you may want to look into getting a hair restoration procedure.


Harmful nature

‘Antioxidants’ is one of the biggest buzzwords in skincare these days. I get countless questions about them in clinic every day. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what exactly antioxidants are and how they should be used. So I have summarized the most important facts about antioxidants here:

What is an antioxidant?
Antioxidants are substances, which can neutralize free radicals. By neutralising free radicals, they prevent a harmful reaction called the oxidative chain reaction. Antioxidants in skincare therefore reduce ‘oxidative stress’ in the skin, help to prevent damage and thus reduce the risk of premature skin ageing and possibly even skin cancer.

What are free radicals & oxidative stress?
Free radicals (‘reactive oxygen species’ – ROS) are highly reactive molecules, which contain at least one unpaired electron. Free radicals thus constantly seek electrons from other molecules and start a chain of oxidative reactions in the skin (‘oxidative chain reaction’). This leads to disruption of normal cell function and damage to our cells, especially when in a high concentration (‘oxidative stress’). Cells might become mutated, defective or killed as a consequence of free radical damage.

Free radicals are generated as by-products from normal cellular metabolism. However, free radicals can be increased in number by sun exposure, smoking, pollution and other internal and external factors.

How can free radicals damage our skin?
Free radicals contribute to the skin’s ageing process by damaging lipids, proteins and nucleic acids in our skin. Free radicals also cause inflammation, reduce collagen and elastin production and increase collagen and elastin breakdown in the skin. In addition, free radicals also play a role in skin cancer.

How important are antioxidants in the fight against skin ageing? 
They play a significant role. There are a variety of mechanisms involved in skin ageing including shortening of DNA telomeres, mutations in mitochondrial DNA with subsequent mitochondrial dysfunction, formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and last but not least free radical damage of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids in our skin.

Where are antioxidants present? 
Antioxidants are present everywhere in our body. The skin also contains a variety of different antioxidants. Antioxidants can be divided into enzymatic antioxidants such as glutathione and low-molecular weight antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and ergothionine. Both types of antioxidants are present in our skin.

How do antioxidants work to combat ageing? 
Antioxidants help to prevent a number of harmful ageing processes revolving around free radicals. These contribute to the skin’s ageing process by causing inflammation, reducing collagen & elastin production and increasing collagen & elastin breakdown in our skin. Our skin will try to repair the damage, but this might happen sub-optimally, so that with time damage will accumulate and the quality of collagen and elastin fibres will be reduced. This ultimately leads to poorer skin elasticity with development of lines and wrinkles. Using anti-oxidants will reduce the rate at which this takes place.

How effective are antioxidants in skincare?
That depends largely on the specific product. There are countless factors influencing whether a skincare product really will deliver, but a good antioxidant product should certainly be included in everybody’s daily skincare routine, as a good product will greatly contribute to protecting the skin from premature skin ageing. Some antioxidants work particularly well in concert, as they recycle each other, e.g. vitamin C and E.

What other ingredients are important if we want to have youthful looking skin?
Although antioxidants are crucial and should be present in everybody’s daily skincare routine, antioxidants should not be the only active ingredient you use, if you serious about combating skin ageing. A good vitamin A derivative for example (e.g. retinol or retinaldehyde) is also important. And of course you should always use a broadspectrum sun protection moisturizer with SPF 30-50 all year around.

What would your top three anti aging products be? And do any of these include antioxidants?

1.) Antioxidant serum:
e.g. Skinceuticals’ CE Ferulic for normal skin, Phloretin GEL for dry, sensitive skin and Phloretin CF serum for oily to combination skin.

2.) Broadspectrum sun protection moisturizer:
e.g. Skinceuticals Sheer Mineral Defense or Heliocare Gel, both SPF 50.

3.) Vitamin A derivative containing product:
e.g. Avene’s Ystheal+ for normal skin, Skinceuticals’ Retinol 0.3-0.5 for combination to oily skin or Avene’s Eluage cream for dry skin.