Henna, does it help?

Henna is an herb from India that is known for its coloring and health benefits. Henna can be used as a conditioner for the hair and can help with split ends and breaking. However, like any other conditioner, it will not fix hair loss that is caused by damage to the hair follicle or that is genetic. Some think that the anti-fungal properties of Henna may help with fungal infections of the scalp that can cause hair loss, but this is not scientifically proven. If you think that you are experiencing hair loss due to a fungus you should consult with your physician first before starting any treatment.

Conditioning with Henna may help your hair look healthy, but it won’t prevent most types of hair loss, nor would it help regrow your hair. If you think you are experiencing hair loss, see your Trichologist.

Dandruff, the facts!

Many of us will have looked down in horror at a fine sprinkling of white flakes on the shoulder of a dark top. But many forms of dandruff do not shed.

Dandruff is characterised by the formation of fine, white or grayish loose skin scales. The epidermis (outer layer of  skin) constantly changes and skin cells renew themselves all the time. The cells begin  to grow from the base layer deeper in the skin and are gradually pushed to the surface, before coming away from the scalp. Continue reading “Dandruff, the facts!”

Does exercise to help your hair?


Regular exercise is necessary as part of a healthy lifestyle, but can it prevent hair loss? Maybe. Exercise helps to increase circulation, which may help keep your scalp healthier and in turn help prevent certain types of hair loss. People who exercise also tend to drink more water, which also contributes to overall hair and skin health. Exercise by itself will not necessarily prevent hair loss, but it may help in keeping yourself and your hair healthy. Those who wear hats or tie their hair back while exercising may find that there is an increase in hair thinning due to tight hair-elastic or hats. If you think that your hat or hair elastic is causing damage to your hair, consider loosing the band of your hat or braiding your hair.

Testosterone, does it matter how much you have?

Some people believe that high levels of testosterone can cause male pattern baldness. However, this is not true and has been disproved multiple times in studies. Men who have low testosterone and receive therapeutic injections of testosterone have not noticed any difference in loss of hair. Additionally, studies have shown no changes in the hair of men with normal levels of testosterone who received injections. While testosterone does not cause balding, the main cause of balding is actually from a different hormone. Continue reading “Testosterone, does it matter how much you have?”